Lanman Server Parameters
The Registry path that contains entries for the Advanced Server LAN Manager service is as follows:
AccessAlert -- REG_DWORD -- 0 - infinity
Specifies the number of resource access violations that can occur before the server sends an alert to the alertnames list.
Default: 5
You can change the value of this key using the AS/U Administrator.
AutoDisconnect -- REG_DWORD -- 0 - 3600 (60 hours)
Specifies the interval in minutes that the server waits before dropping the virtual circuit to an inactive client.
Default: 0 (no automatic disconnect)
You can change the value of this key using the AS/U Administrator.
ErrorAlert -- REG_DWORD -- 0 - infinity
Specifies the number of errors that can occur before the server sends an alert to the alertnames list.
Default: 5
You can change the value of this key using the AS/U Administrator.
Hidden -- REG_DWORD -- 0 or 1
Specifies whether the server is hidden on the network. If the server is not hidden, it announces its presence set in the SrvAnnounce and LmAnnounce keys.
Default: 0 (server is visible)
You can change the value of this key using the AS/U Administrator.
LmAnnounce -- REG_DWORD -- 0 or 1
Specifies whether a server should announce itself with the old LAN Manager-type announcement in addition to the new Windows NT-type announcement. This key has an effect only if the value of the Hidden key is 0.
Default: 0 (Use only Windows NT-type announcement.)
You can change the value of this key using the AS/U Administrator.
LogonAlert -- REG_DWORD -- 0 - infinity
Specifies the number of logon violations that can occur before the server sends an alert to the alertnames list.
Default: 5
You can change the value of this key using the AS/U Administrator.
SrvAnnounce -- REG_DWORD -- 1 - infinity
Specifies the interval in seconds at which the server announces its presence to the network. This key has an effect only if the value of the Hidden key is 0.
Default: 180 (3 minutes)
You can change the value of this key using the AS/U Administrator.
SrvComment REG_SZ String up to 48 characters
Specifies the descriptive comment that the server sends when it announces its presence to the network.
Default: (Vendor-specific)
UserPath REG_SZ Path
Specifies the UNIX system directory on the server to be used as a default parent directory for home directories for new user accounts.
Default: c:\home\lanman